I am pleased to say that since my last post, I am no longer unemployed. The next big thing for me is becoming famous for making others famous. I am not sure how famous my brothers want to be, but there are plenty of others out there that want to be sunburnt in the spotlight. I must say that I love my job, ever since I could string a monologue of words together I knew that my calling in life is to help people. I thought I was in a catch 22 when I realised that my acting talents wouldn't allow me to council or assist people proffesionaly. Alas, I decided to study commerce, but the acting bug found me and bit me harder this time. An intuition gave me the idea that I would be great as an agent, and since I have started I can gladly say that I am now helping people, but also having a really good time as well. Let's just say there are some fine people out there with mighty fine genes...
So, now that I have a job, does this mean I have to start paying taxes?
yeh pretty much...when you start earning more then 1200 000 a year...